At UMFS, we are unwavering champions for high-risk children and families, collaborating with communities to help them reach their full potential. Each month, we recognize an employee as Unwavering Champion of the Month for going above and beyond in upholding our agency’s mission and values.
We’re pleased to announce our Unwavering Champion for October, Alexa Hryciak. As Family Development Supervisor at Richmond Regional, Alexa oversees foster parent recruiters and assures potential foster parents meet requirements. Compliance is a huge focus for Alexa, as evidenced by her “vigorous” review of family files, said Arianne Skinner, Administrative Services Manager.
Alexa is innovative and dynamic in her approach to treating trauma, Arianne continued. “She essentially integrated The Whole-Brain Child philosophy into our culture and passionately promotes its use on a regular basis.”
Building and maintaining relationships is another area of Alexa’s excellence, Arianne said, citing her ability to collaborate with colleagues, as well as professionals outside the agency.
Furthermore, the relentless pursuit of solutions is undeniable, and Alexa (pictured with Jay Ziehl, UMFS Chief Administrative Officer) does whatever is needed to assure that goals are met. Whether she’s waking up at 4 a.m. to transport a child to preserve a placement, or taking on a caseload while supervising staff in multiple locations, or stepping in to lead Support Group and manage our volunteers, Alexa finds a way to make it happen, and she does so with a positive attitude and a smile on her face.
Alexa’s has many strengths, indeed, but perhaps her greatest strength of all? “Alexa’s passion,” Arianne said.” It’s best represented by the manner in which she effortlessly eases the angst of a discouraged coworker, recharges an overwhelmed parent, or calms an overstimulated child.”