Prevention Services
The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) targets resources and services that prevent foster care placements to help children remain safely in their homes. Our comprehensive array of prevention services seek to help children at risk of out-of-home placements remain safely with their families.
Prevention Services
The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) targets resources and services that prevent foster care placements to help children remain safely in their homes. Our comprehensive array of prevention services seek to help children at risk of out-of-home placements remain safely with their families.

Comprehensive Case Coordination
Comprehensive Case Coordination (CCC) is a type of stabilization service provided to a family who requires assistance with linking the services needed to stabilize the family, ensuring the safety, permanency, and well-being of the child. Learn More >>

Functional Family Therapy
Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a program helping youth and families overcome challenging behaviors and preventing out-of-home placements. We believe all families want the best for themselves, and we offer support and structure that help families work better together and practice new skills that can lead to enduring change. Learn More>>

Family Support Partners
Family Support Partners (FSPs) are parents who’ve experienced
first-hand what it’s like to have a child struggling with mental, emotional or behavioral health challenges. UMFS’ FSPs receive training in the High Fidelity Wraparound model, which is utilized in all forms of the FSP service. Learn More>>

Intensive Care Coordination
Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) is a planning process for families with children experiencing mental, behavioral and emotional challenges. The goal of ICC is to support families in keeping youth at home and in the community. Learn More>>