UMFS Strategic Plan

Our new three-year strategic plan is underway and we’re excited to share what the plan looks like for this fiscal year and beyond. Read below to learn more about what our goals are for this fiscal year.

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Strategic Plan

Our new three-year strategic plan is underway and we’re excited to share what the plan looks like for this fiscal year and beyond. Read below to learn more about what our goals are for this fiscal year.

Three Year Telescope

UMFS has all the elements of a world-class organization. Our program goals are intentionally chosen to focus on a lifetime of good for those we serve. The outcomes are so brag-worthy that organic growth occurs with ease. We foster replication of our work in others in support of Virginia’s children and families.

UMFS is the anchor for an ecosystem of aligned organizations that partner to support each of our worthy and related causes. This expands our social impact and enables sustainability. Our culture embraces an approach of “letting go of that which no longer serves us” to make room for new capacity. Our staff are dynamic, aligned, and have the energy reserves to dream, innovate and create. UMFS is a measurably diverse, equitable, and inclusive community. Volunteers are immersed in the work with us, amplifying our capacity and impact.

We will have completed our Richmond campus transformation to reflect UMFS’ new vision. We will have reimagined the regional centers’ workplace to match the evolving hybrid-workforce needs. We will have built an infrastructure that enables a seamless blend of virtual and in-person work throughout the organization.

Our financial position is strong because our core programs are highly utilized; we have invested our assets wisely and addressed inefficiencies effectively. Our fundraising goals are met and growing year over year because we have provided clarity to our supporters and the value of their investment in us is abundantly clear.

 Our values exemplify how we do our work. See our values here

Strategic Plan Progress – FY23

Click the + next to each goal to expand.


We’ve attracted and retained exceptional employees, with the implementation of our Talent Management Plan.

3 Year Goals
  • A Total Rewards Program is fully implemented.
  • The UMFS onboarding experience is redesigned to facilitate organizational learning, a sense of belonging, and clarity of expectations.
  • Manager excellence is achieved through upskilling as measured by staff performance and supervisor feedback.
Manager Excellence

One Year Goal: Design development framework and implementation plan for UMFS manager excellence.

Agency Onboarding

One Year Goal: Redesign and operationalize an agency onboarding system with a curriculum that enhances the employee experience.

Total Rewards Program

One Year Goal: Create a Total Rewards Program.

Social Impact

Amplifying Our Core
Our program outcomes are best in class as compared to state and national benchmarks.

3 Year Goals
  • Permanency rates are increased annually for each regional center.
  • CHS Day achieves a VASIEF score with commendation.
  • Residential youth complete treatment successfully as measured by the Beck Youth Inventory 2.
CFHC Resident Transition

One Year Goal: 65% of residents will transition successfully by completing treatment goals and discharging to a lower level of care.

VAISEF Accreditation

One Year Goal: Implement plan to review VAISEF accreditation standards and make needed improvements in systems and processes.

Increased Kinship

One Year Goal: 10% of CB TFC placements will result in a kinship connection in the first fiscal year of the 3-year strategic plan.

Social Impact

Strategic Partnerships
UMFS is the anchor for an ecosystem of aligned organizations who partner to support their worthy and related causes.

3 Year Goals
  • UMFS is a volunteer community hub embedded into programs and departments.
  • UMFS will have a sustainable model of partnering with aligned organizations by doubling the number of people served through it.
Partnering Model

One Year Goal: Develop a sustainable model of partnering with aligned organizations.

Donor and Volunteer Engagement

One Year Goal: Solidify new donor and volunteer engagement strategy.

Service Expansion

One Year Goal: Implement new and expanded services to support core programs.


Stewardship and strategic program growth provide the necessary financial resources to achieve our desired social impact.

3 Year Goals
  • CHS Day School and Residential Services are at 90% program capacity.
  • The design of the TFC program, including Kinship care, has grown by 20%.
  • The annual fund has year over year growth.
CFHC Budget

One Year Goal: Meet CFHC budget for the year.

CHS Richmond Budget

One Year Goal: Meet, or exceed, CHS-R budget of 68 for the 22-23 school year.

CHS Edinburg Budget

One Year Goal: CHS-E: Increase census capacity to 80% (avg of 48 students).


One Year Goals:

  • Implement the Blackbaud System
  • Migrate to the Cloud
IT Infrastructure

One Year Goal: Masterplan Project – “IT Infrastructure and Classroom Technology

CB Program Revenue

One Year Goal: Community Based Programs establish a collaborative partnership with the finance department to maximize program revenue.

Annual Fund Infrastructure

One Year Goal: Develop and implement infrastructure for accurate forecasting and establish baseline for annual fund growth.

TFC Revenue

One Year Goal: TFC will have a 5% increase in revenue for the first year of the 3-year strategic plan.

Financial Plan

One Year Goal: Develop and execute a financial strategy and plan that considers the GP sale, rate increases, labor cost and census.