Here’s a short note from the daughter of one of our foster families:
My family started taking in foster kids when I was 8 years old. When I turned 13, my sister of four years moved out to start her adult life with her two little boys. This crushed me & I told my mom that I would never love anyone else so fully again because I never wanted to feel how I felt those following weeks. I guarded my heart to people because I didn’t want to lose them.
Then I decided that this was no way to live & started to let people in again & loved them with all I had. Eventually, you 3 little guys moved in and I was so scared to love you. But through the sad, scary nights of uncertain futures, fun outdoor adventures, dance lessons, snuggles, baths, potty training, tantrums, waking up with some to all of you in my bed (sneaky sneaky), and just learning how to be a mama/big sister, I fell madly in love with you all.
I learned that people may only be in your life for a season, and in that season, you can choose to love them with all you have the way Jesus loves us, or you can be scared and let no one in. I’m so glad I decided to let you all in.
I’m sure I’ll cry myself to sleep some nights and miss your stinky morning breath waking me up, but I am just so glad God let me be your big sister for how long He did. And I’m also so happy for your daddy who now gets to live his life with you because, if I love you this much, I can’t imagine how much he must love you!
I want to thank you all for challenging me and teaching me more about love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & especially self-control! Love you all to the moon and back!
*Some of the details of this story have been changed to protect the anonymity of the family and the foster children.